On a Drama High

My main reason for starting this blog is basically to share with everyone the love I have for Asian film and music. This is going to sound totally dorky, but I love the idea of being able to connect with my own culture while still living everyday life as a typical American.
The way this blog works is for fellow drama lovers to be able to interact and share ideas with each other in a 'wholesome community.' I'll give you all my word that I am doing this simply for hobby's sake, which means that I won't add any advertisements on here or anything to earn money. I really hope that I'll get plenty of viewers and people to comment on my posts.

I would hope that if anybody has anything they'd like to share, for example, if anyone's seen a really good drama lately and would like me to write a review, y'all can email me at thedramablogger@gmail.com. I hope that everyone enjoys reading my posts! Also, I do have to ask that nobody bring any unnecessary negative comments to this blog, because I do spend a lot of my personal time to write these posts. Another reminder is that I do not own ANY of the pictures on this website, and the rights belong to the creators of these dramas! Thanks for visiting!