
Playful Kiss: Somewhat Bittersweet

Playful Kiss has to be one of my all-time favorite dramas. It's got every flavor mixed together to create a heartwarming blend that is favorable to everyone's tastes. It really altered my feelings about 'just another high school crush.' From past experience, when you're young and you like someone, you feel so strongly that it consumes you. In Oh Ha Ni's case, played by Jung So Min, liking somebody with a cruel persona, but actually can be a sweet guy, is really frustrating, especially for three years! After writing him a confession letter of her love, he returns it to Ha Ni with corrections. Imagine if this happened to you- you'd probably just want to give up, right? Not Ha Ni! Of course, you have to also remember the fact that this isn't real (something I happen to be horrible at.) However, it gives a sense of optimism that sometimes, things can work out the way you'd never expect them to, and when you persevere, it usually results in a happy ending.

Besides just focusing on the whole love thing, it also puts the role of a loving family into effect. Baek Seung Jo's mom is the ideal mom- she's cool, caring, and sweet. Sometimes she may make mistakes, but in the end, she truly cares about the happiness of her son. The aspect of having the support of a loving family is also shown with Oh Ha Ni's adoring father. Every single decision he makes, they always have Oh Ha Ni in consideration. Everything he does is for Oh Ha Ni. It really shows you the importance of having somebody being beside you through your life, caring for you.

This drama made me laugh, cry, and gave my several 'aww..' moments. Bong Joon Gu, played by Lee Tae Sung, showed me how even when you think that you really want this one specific thing or person, sometimes it can blind you from what's in front of you. His loving personality made me realize that the saying 'when one door closes, another opens' really is true. Oh Ha Ni's loyal friends, Dok Go Min Ah, and Jung Ju Ri made me wish that I had friends like these to support me my entire life. People come and go, but the real friends are the ones that stay.

Although I loved this drama inside and out, towards the end, I began to lose interest. The beginning had a touch of innocence, but when it geared toward the end, it began to lose a little 'something something.' However, with Yoon Hae Ra, played by Lee Shi Young, it gave the somewhat sour taste of jealousy. Hae Ra, on one hand, is beautiful, smart, and talented, while Oh Ha Ni is sometimes cute and never intelligent. Although from just common knowledge, you could be able to tell that Seung Jo and Ha Ni would end up together, you still see satisfaction when they really do.

In the end, this drama left me a bittersweet taste- some parts and episodes were just awkward, and the two characters, in my opinion, didn't look good together. However, seeing their innocent and cute relationship bud left me with a heartwarming feeling of satifaction. I watched this drama a couple months ago, but I would still rewatch it again and again.

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