
For Starters

Recently, I've become overly obsessed with Asian dramas and music. I don't know what part about it that does, but something just gets to me. I love the whole idea of still being an American while also having a connection to where my parents are from. Okay, so that sounds totally nerdy, but it's true! I used to watch them with my parents when I was younger, but being the little third-grader I was back then, I never understood what was going on, asking "What's going on? What happened??" every couple minutes. Needless to say, my parents were quickly annoyed. But lately, I've resumed watching, and I feel like I've discovered a whole new world! (I know that sounds cliche, but let's move away from that..)

Anyways, as of now, my goal is to basically blog about whatever I've seen recently, or even any news about some artists or actors/actresses. And before you misunderstand, let me say that it's not to gossip or whatever-THIS IS NOT A GOSSIP BLOG- it's just to somewhat have a perception of what's going on in their lives. Another reminder is that we all have our own opinions! For example, if in a certain episode, I criticize something, you may not always-or at all, even- agree. Therefore, the comments section is their for readers to share your own opinions and points of view.

I'm pretty new to this blogging thing, but I'm going to do the best I can to try and make this a success. And no, I'm not getting paid to do this or anything, I'm doing this simply because I want to share my love for art and music to the world. I hope that many people will read my blog and enjoy it, not because I want a lot of followers, but simply because I want to show the world this aspect of my culture.

Also, I tend to be a more romantic comedy kind of person, but I'll do my best to expand this small range into something bigger. I apologize ahead of time if I do end up biasing a certain genre or country's dramas, but I hope you'll know that it's definitely not on purpose! And one more thing- being the Taiwanese girl I am, I do tend to watch Taiwanese dramas simply because I am able to understand the language! I mainly watch Korean and Taiwanese dramas, but as I mentioned earlier, I will do my best to extend my taste range.

Because I'm not a perfect writer or blogger, I hope that if any questions or concerns arise, you'll notify me and give me recommendations for how to improve. Also, I hope that if you have certain requests for me to post about certain dramas or artists, you'll also let me know by either posting a comment or sending me a quick email at thedramablogger@gmail.com.

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